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Monday, April 2, 2012

March 29- April 1 (Prague, Czech Republic)

This is going to be a short entry because I am in a rush to get ready to leave for Africa in a few hours! We took an overnight train (much better than the one to Budapest because the seats actually reclined a little bit) to Prague on Thursday night and got in on Friday. We checked into our apartment (the nicest place we have stayed yet- a pent house suit if you will) then went straight to a free walking tour around the city. We learned a lot and we all fell in love with Prague. The city is truly magical. Only one part of one building was destroyed in any of the wars, so the original city remains in tact and unbelievably gorgeous. From the cobblestone streets to the beautiful architecture to the little open markets throughout the old town square, Prague was by far the prettiest city we have been to.

After the tour, we got dinner and drinks at “The Pub”- a place where each table has its own tap and we get to pour our own beer and compete with other tables. From there we went to the biggest club in central Europe and did not go to bed until 8a.m. (after watching the sunrise on the Charles Bridge). A great night!

On Saturday, we went to see the castle and the John Lennon wall before we had to catch another night train home to start packing for Africa. And here I am, still packing for Africa! We leave tonight (Monday) at 5p.m. I still can’t believe it.


  1. Prague does get lively and with so many castles, you will never get tired. I think it's best to take Prague city breaks. I try to visit the city as much possible.

  2. What adventures you have had -- and every city better than the last! Can't wait for the update and pics from Africa!
    hhhhmm - revisit to Budapest baths or African safari ??
    18 days before we get to see you !! :)

  3. Hey, Woo-- DS here. I hope Africa gives you another wonderful experience-- different, for sure, but still wonderful. And yes, I'm already getting teary about seeing you again.
